IO 3
From December 2018 to September 2019
The PC (NEU) guides trainees to understand heritage significance and introduces them into the intangible experience as a novel tourism product and a strategic vision for heritage tourism. Trainees focus on shortcomings that currently impede the design of quality experiences. They study success examples, using a jointly developed methodology to signify tourism attractions and learn to plan for outstanding experiences.
Tourism is an industry of knowledge based activities. Accessibility to attractions and tourism goods and services and the ease of experiencing the destination are critical considerations for visitors and influence length of stay, the expenditure level and customer loyalty. Accessibility to resources and ease of experiencing the destination are critical considerations for visitors. Timely and relevant information distribution is one of the most essential elements for a destination’s success. The Workshop will focus on geographical-physical, digital and cognitive-emotional accessibility comparing existing information provisions from signage to mobile telephony applications and cutting edge technology examining contents and customer satisfaction. Accordingly trainees in TR/HU/NL/IT/GR shall select 5 tourism assets in each country that are providing the correct mix of infrastructure elements to satisfy the heritage experience.
Visitors want to be engaged and discover what is unique about a place and its people and are willing to pay a premium price for the right experience. Yielding tourism attractions have to satisfy the needs and expectations of experience-seeking visitors. The activity focuses on the UNESCO/ICOMOS Charters to select good practices that demonstrate direct links with: ACCESS AND UNDERSTANDING: facilitate physical and intellectual access by the public to cultural heritage assets and unlock their values for society; INFORMATION SOURCES: based on evidence gathered through accepted scientific and scholarly methods as well as from living cultural traditions; CONTEXT AND SETTING: relate to their wider social, cultural, historical and natural contexts and settings; AUTHENTICITY: RESPECT basic tenets of authenticity; SUSTAINING FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS: act in the vein of responsible tourism; ENGAGING AND INVOLVING LOCAL COMMUNITIES: meaningful collaboration between heritage professionals and stakeholders; RESEARCHING, TRAINING AND EVALUATION: continuing research, training, and evaluation are essential components of the experience design.
Experiences are created through memorable occasions and/or interactions that engage people in a personal way and connect them with a place. Such an experience offers tourists opportunities to derive from their visit meanings and values, gain knowledge, modify attitudes, provoke emotions and impressions, forge relationships, or provide for other subjective elements and sensory experiences, enjoyment and relaxation. Connected to the Multiplier Event (M20) in 2020 and IO5 the activity aims to test the experience-driven final product created by the Partnership in TR/HU/NL/IT/GR.
Each Partner identifies five attractions and design a experience trail. PP6 (ARTIFACTORY) will supervise the quality of materials collected and edit a cohesive narrative. The collection process is extends from M11 to M15
This to deliver:
- THE EXPERIENCE FACILITATOR iBOOK: Materials (photos, edited narratives, videos and information on geolocation) are handed over to PP4 (STICHTING), who in M18 delivers 6 iBooks compatible with iOS/Windows/Android operating systems.
Following the COE principles Cultural Routes, the iBook innovates by enabling visitors to select desired objects in the locations of interest by capturing realism and providing for emotional impact creating bridges between people and places. Offered as a free download at the Appstore, it becomes an interactive learning space, revealing common values and cultural diversity in the Project Area.