
Experience Design

learning outcomes

Knowledge Transfer

  • Understand the leisure environment (recreational and in situ)
  • Understand the in situ and virtual visitation environments
  • Understand multicultural and multigenerational audiences
  • Understand the role of prior knowledge at the selection process
  • Define Subject Matter (knowledge of assets, documentation research, expert contributions)
  • Recognize Interpretive potential (values reaching from global to local and group significance)
  • Set Interpretive Objectives (environmental, social, economic, learning, behavioral, protection, conservation, awareness raising)
  • Ensure Intellectual Property Rights (Copyrights, laws, treaties and conventions)
  • Understand of supply and demand (cultural consumption, tourism, leisure, recreational learning, entrepreneurial opportunities, heritage strategy)

Development of Skills

  • Develop leisure time concepts
  • Develop of accessibility plans
  • Design and implement holistic cultural consumption products and services of a place-centric typology of leisure products and services
  • Develop heritage products and services for tourism
  • Develop heritage projects
  • Communicate Significance to selected target publics
  • Include different target publics and local actors in the planning process
  • Select appropriate media per target group and project component specificity

Industry related products and services

  • Be able to consult cultural heritage operators on leisure concepts
  • Be able to design and deliver a resource/and or destination accessibility plan
  • Be able to design and deliver a visitor experience opportunity plan
  • Be able to design and implement a place-and resource centric leisure product



Two documents compound Module Four. Your assignment is to read the documents.


Answer the questions  below about the asset planning form of your chosen tourism asset  based on the explanations in Module 4